Prayer Shawl Ministry

Join crafters from the congregation on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00pm to prayerfully knit, crochet, or weave shawls which are given with the intention of helping the recipient feel how God’s love ‘wraps’ them in comfort and solace at all times. When people are recuperating or recovering from illness or other difficult events, members of the Gloria Dei Visitation Ministry team often take a prayer shawl to them. They have also been given to new Parents for Baptisms and for other life event celebrations, such as weddings.

Prayer Shawls are also available to anyone in the congregation who wishes to give them to someone they know who could use some extra care. They are available in the church office along with a printed message card which can be gifted with the Prayer Shawl.

If you would like to learn more about this ministry, donate your time and talent by making shawls, or donating materials please contact Gloria Morrison through the church office. If you would like to request a shawl or a visit from a member of the Visitation Ministry team, please see Barb Reinke in the church office or email her at